Proyectos Lededge
Estas son dos iniciativas orientadas a generar un impacto positivo en diferentes aspectos sociales y urbanos. Es importante destacar que el proyecto "Salvemos la Ciudad" es una propuesta aún no implementada, mientras que la Fundación ¡QDURO!, es un proyecto en desarrollo que requiere apoyo para alcanzar sus objetivos. Ambos proyectos reflejan el compromiso de transformar vidas y entornos, adaptándose a las necesidades de las comunidades.
Una Visión de Renovación Urbana y Social
El impacto esperado incluye una mayor cohesión social, generación de empleo, reducción de la pobreza y la delincuencia, y la innovación para concebir una ciudad más segura. Aunque actualmente esta propuesta no está en ejecución, representa un llamado a entidades públicas y privadas para sumarse y convertirla en una realidad.
Salvemos la Ciudad es una propuesta diseñada para enfrentar los retos que aquejan a San José, como la desigualdad social, la falta de oportunidades y el deterioro social. Este proyecto busca revitalizar los espacios públicos, como parques y plazas, para fomentar la integración, el empleo y la cohesión social, con un enfoque en sostenibilidad y desarrollo comunitario.
Empoderamiento a Través de la Capacitación
Por otro lado, la Fundación ¡QDURO! está en marcha y busca transformar las vidas de personas en situación de calle mediante la capacitación en artes gráficas y creación de contenido digital. Este proyecto combina rehabilitación, formación técnica y apoyo continuo para reintegrar a los integrantes del proyecto a la sociedad y al ámbito laboral.
El proyecto de ¡QDURO! no solo busca rehabilitar, sino también capacitar a sus integrantes para que puedan contribuir a la fundación durante un año antes de independizarse. Al final del proceso, los beneficiarios no solo adquieren habilidades técnicas, sino también un compromiso social al crear sus propios proyectos.
Ambos proyectos representan oportunidades para construir una sociedad más inclusiva y moderna. Mientras que el proyecto SLC requiere respaldo significativo para convertirse en una iniciativa concreta, Lededge continuará trabajando en la creación de la Fundación ¡QDURO!, hacia su meta de cambiar vidas, necesitará del apoyo continuo de donantes y aliados para alcanzar su objetivo.
El éxito de estas propuestas dependerá de la colaboración entre la sociedad civil, el sector privado y las instituciones gubernamentales. Cada contribución, ya sea en forma de recursos, ideas o participación activa, puede marcar la diferencia en el camino hacia un futuro más equitativo y sostenible.
Algo que nos motiva aún más a seguir adelante, es nuestro compromiso social.
Su fundador ha considerado siempre el compromiso social como parte esencial en todos sus proyectos. -Lededge
The ¡QDURO! (¡HOW HARD!) project was born with a transformative vision and a clear objective: to empower homeless individuals through training in graphic arts and digital content creation. The primary goal of this project is to provide tools and opportunities to those in vulnerable situations, promoting social inclusion and their entry into the workforce. **A Training Center for Change** The first stage of this ambitious project involves the creation of a training center. This space will be essential for offering training in a professional environment, adapted for both production and learning. It will include equipped offices and areas designed for developing both technical and artistic skills. **Donations: A Fundamental Pillar** The foundation’s operation and sustainability rely heavily on the collaboration and support of organizations and individuals, both nationally and internationally. **Donations for Equipment** To ensure effective training, it is essential to have access to technological equipment and office materials. Institutions such as Micitt and Fonatel could play a key role in providing these necessary tools. **Donations for General Maintenance** The upkeep of basic services such as electricity, water, and internet also requires financial support from strategic partners and committed donors. **Selection and Transformation Process** Before individuals can become part of this project, they must go through a series of steps: 1. Artistic vocation or talent tests. 2. At least three months of inpatient rehabilitation and detoxification treatment at various institutions, including IAFA. 3. After completing inpatient treatment, the candidate will move to a dormitory center for a minimum of one month, with daily attendance. (e.g., Any & Williams Dormitory Center) 4. Once the dormitory phase is complete, the candidate will transition to a halfway house, such as Fundación Lloverá. 5. The candidate will undergo English courses. 6. The candidate will create their own brand and a social project. 7. The foundation’s website will be developed by the candidates themselves. 8. The candidate will work for the foundation for at least one year before becoming independent as their ultimate goal. Once the candidate has completed these steps, they can begin their training at the foundation. **Training and Specializations Offered** Every candidate will receive training in website development and graphic design, equipping them to eventually create their own website in the specialty they choose. Candidates will also be certified in most of the programs they complete, such as the WIX certification in website development. Training and specialization categories include: - Website development - Graphic design - Photoshop, Illustrator, Inkscape - 3D design - Interior design - Fashion and accessories design - Video production and editing - Visual arts - Logo design - T-shirt design - Branding design - Project management - App development - Photography - Music production - Graffiti, among others. **Building a Sustainable Future** A key element of the project is the commitment of the candidates to the foundation. Before becoming independent, beneficiaries will work at ¡QDURO! for one year, during which they can apply what they’ve learned, solidify their experience, and contribute to the growth of the project. **Social and Personal Impact** The proposed training model also includes creating brands and social projects. In this way, the foundation will not only transform lives but will also generate a positive impact on communities. **¡QDURO! Foundation** represents a pioneering initiative that combines rehabilitation, training, and social inclusion. With the support of donors, strategic allies, and the passion of those who believe in real change, this project promises to transform lives and open new doors for those in need. **It’s time to build a future with more opportunities for everyone!** For this project, the founder of LEDEDGE immersed himself in the world of the homeless to better understand the needs of this population. The name “¡QDURO!” comes from an expression used by the homeless, or “chusma” as they identify themselves. This expression is used to describe various daily situations, both good and bad. A total of 5,611 people spend each night under the sky in San José, living as homeless. This includes 3,891 men, 1,717 women, and 3 intersex individuals. These figures were gathered by the Municipality of San José in an attempt to gauge the social challenge faced. –El Observador Unfortunately, I discovered that there are no foundations or projects for labor inclusion for this population. – fradPter